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eBook: Lessons from Cato and the failure of imagination

Sponsored by Synergy Group

Australia’s strategic policy has suffered from a crisis of identity for decades. We are not alone in changing political priorities, mismanaged projects or having to adjust to evolving strategic circumstances. But we want to have it both ways, all the time, and without due care to how long it takes or how much it costs.

In their new eBook ‘Lessons from Cato and the failure of imagination’, Synergy Group wonders whether Defence has the ability to transform quickly before they miss the strategic window of opportunity forever.

This eBook also asks whether our adversary is:

  • prioritising effective mobilisation at the national level.
  • reprioritising Defence’s Integrated Investment Program (IIP) to fund immediate and long-term priorities.
  • allowing precious resources to become strategic commodities in an increasingly fraught environment.

Download the eBook today.


Founded in 1999, Synergy Group has grown to become one of Canberra’s leading professional services firms. We are government specialists delivering a truly collaborative approach to navigate important challenges and provide practical solutions.